fa·cil·i·tate [fuh-sil-i-teyt]
to make easier or less difficult; help forward (an action, a process, etc.); to assist the progress of (a person).
As a facilitator, I come along side you and your organization to help you progress and move forward with ease.
It’s estimated that most people will spend an average of 100,000 hours at work during their lifetime. Now take a moment and consider how many hours per week or ever per day we spend in meetings. How many of that 100,000 hours do you think is comprised of meetings?

Organizations are complex, ever-changing environments. Employees may not be lacking for meetings to attend, but these meetings may be lacking in productivity and efficiency.

When employees walk away from those meetings, are they energized?
Do they feel equipped to be productive and effective in their work?
Are teams working cohesively as a well-functioning unit?
Is your organization’s mission being realized in meetings?
If you didn’t answer with a resounding “YES” to any of these questions, Life Fulfilled Coaching & Consulting can help your organization run better meetings with better results.

Here are a few ways Life Fulfilled Coaching & Consulting can support you and your organization’s mission. These same services are also available for churches and community organizations.
MEETING FACILITATION: It seems that meetings are inevitable and some can be dreadful. Through proper planning, implementation, and follow-up your meetings can be both efficient and effective. This can lead to increased employee morale and productivity. I offer facilitation training for managers and employees. I can also serve as your meeting facilitator especially for more complicated projects that may require advanced facilitation over a set amount of time.
Having an extended meeting or retreat? I can help with the pre-planning, implementation, and follow-up for your retreat. I bring energy and creativity can bring life into even the most mundane meetings. I can also work with you to design the retreat from the icebreaker to the final action review and all things in between. No meeting or retreat is too small or too large. For large conferences and retreats, I have access to a team of highly trained facilitators to accommodate your needs.
Change is inevitable. Planning for change is critical. It can be overwhelming and murky at times, but I can shine the light to help bring perspective and clarity of vision. As a trained and experience facilitator, I can help you through this process.
None of us can do anything along. We must work with others. And we must be intentional in developing positive and productive work relationships. I can provide you with a team analysis to help you identify team strengths and opportunities for improvement. In addition, I can facilitate exercises and activities that help build team communication and trust. Team building is critical for newly formed teams. It is just as critical for teams that have been working together for years and may need to refocus and reenergize toward the organization’s mission.
I am a certified MBTI administrator and use this tool to help individuals and organizations reach their goals. An MBTI analysis can be used as part of team building, to help resolve conflicts, assist in communication break downs, highlight strengths and perhaps holes within your organization. MBTI can be offered individually to affirm employees in their work or to help re-direct them to other tasks and opportunities that may be more in line with their strengths.